
We can guarantee that we'll never sell or share your information with any third parties or anything sh*tty like that.

Your email won't be used to send you anything except newsletters/blog posts/updates from Plant Basting.

We're big privacy fans. We want to respect your privacy. To do that we use, a privacy-first alternative to Google Analytics. You can read more about them here.

Details about Ghost (which we use for hosting this website) has an "open rate" feature to track if the emails we send get opened. That is the only "tracking" we have.

Ghost uses cookies to record current session information, but doesn't use permanent cookies. Here is Ghost privacy page for full details.

If you're not completely sure what these "cookie" things are here's a video from The Guardian:


Technically, everything above is subject to change at anytime. We will notify you about significant changes by sending a notice to the email address specified in your account information or by placing a prominent notice on this site.


For any questions about this Privacy Policy, please email